Friday, August 24, 2007

Mine Cousin

Ha...this title is an inside joke that only one person would get. So there's that.

Anyways I've always been close with my cousin. He's 4 years younger and has always been like this great little brother and best friend. It's pretty interesting how separate our beliefs are-Completely opposite. We haven't been in close touch for a while and we just recently had a couple of interestingly intimate conversations.

We talked like the old friends we were on the subjects closest to our hearts. He has found God and entrusted his life to Him who is I am through faith that the ideas he recieves in his head are instant messages from the almighty. Now I saw that with my snarky sarcastic use of humor merely for dramatic effect. He knows thats what he believes and he is proud of it-Many share this same conviction. I explained how I believe that his beliefs are the very source of the coming doom of our species. I explained how out-sourcing our responsibilities as sentient human beings to an invisible entity in the skies takes away our power to act. People who have faith in God and the Bible as the word of God believe they know whats to come. It's all in God's very capable and all knowing hands. This takes away any reason for us to act as a people against what we know is wrong. We accept that it's in God's hands and there is nothing we can do because it's all just too big and complicated. I say we and us because I speak of us as a species. We are human beings yet if you read my previous posts you'll see how we've been divided into subspecies and subcultures and groups and faiths and labels and blah blah blah.

We went back and forth explaining our beliefs and we realized we believed the same exact thing about the state of the world. We know that we as a species are divided by design. We see how religion is used to cloud the judgement of otherwise capable minds. He believes all that I do in that sense. That is the very reason he has completely given his life over to God. He told me it was a wonderfully freeing experience. I could imagine, like the weight of the world being lifted off his shoulders. All that responsibilty gone. His life is now completely God's will-Not his own. He even said the very ideas he gets in his head are from God himself. I asked if it was an audible voice and he was quick to point out: "I don't hear Voices!" LOL and he laughed. It's just that every thought he has is from God now. I completely believe he completely believes this and believes it to be a great honor to his creator for him to give his life over. He has pleased his God.

My cousin started to tell me the story of how he decided to devote his life to God. I knew immediately what he was going to say-I remembered it well. He was in love with this girl and it got crazy. I mean like most people in my family still think he's crazy. He was obsessed with this girl and it kinda seemed that maybe he thought God had intended them to be together. He realized it was exactly the opposite, she was the last test. He had asked God to show him, but chose not to accept it. He had to give up his entire life to God's will and that meant his wife. No, she wasn't his wife or even fiance, she was a symbol that stood for everything my cousin wanted in the life he was suppose to have given to God. He let her go.

He fights daily to only allow the thoughts that are from God to have any say in his actions. He has become the best christian I have ever known. He doesn't Judge or assume anything about anyone. He lives his life as an example of what he believes to be righteous. He has accepted poverty in order to travel and find needs to fill in strangers lives-hopfully planting the seed of the holy spirit in the process. The seed is to act as a kind of contacting device for opening the communication lines of God. No man who claims to be a devout christian and has not done what my cousin has is not giving his life to the lord. My cousin told me that he had to consciously give up his dream of marriage and children in order to accept his role as an instrument of the lord.

And you know what he told me. He said "It's great how we can still talk and we know eacother and listen. Everyone else thinks I'm crazy, but you get it and even though we're completely different-We're exactly the same." He was exactly right too.

I don't believe it's ok to give our responsibility and accountibility up to faith. I just don't believe that faith is enough to entrust our existence to. My cousin believes the complete opposite and encompasses everything every christian CLAIMS to be and strive for. He even believes the government is lying to us and leading us down a path of destruction designed by them. He believes christians are being mislead and used against the human race in a mass world wide conspiracy. He's just entrusted all his future actions to thoughts he believes to be sent from God.

I just told him that I hoped God thinks its important for us to act so you spread the word about that. He didn't really answer me. You see, he and I see the same signs of the coming apocolypse, but you can't forget that one little detail-we have completely opposite beliefs. I believe it is my responsibility as a human being that knows of a coming threat to my speacies to speak out and try to save my race. The friggin human race! My cousin believes God knows the outcome of this world and it is all in his hands. So even if he does feel the need to share with people that he believes our government was responsible for 9/11, he still believes that whatever happens because of it is whatever God intended.

I say fuck faith. Look, I mean I'll marry a woman and have a kid and go to church and allow you to try to save me. Maybe God can break through my hardened heart and show me the light. I will allow you to do that. You just have to accpet that even if you're right and God is up there watchin and sending text messages to people via brainwaves that I have something to say about the state of the world. Forget gay marriage it's gone. I don't care who the hell can get a divorce when things get bad and they want to fuck other people. Seroiously-This is way more important than being able to kill your baby when it's too tiny to say stop. We'll give you all this if you accept that maybe your God is spekaingthrough us to tell you take responsibility as a human and stand up for your rights. Not as an American, not as ANY nation or creed or race. As a human being. We act like we are so above racism and predjudice yet our faith in based in exactly those ideas.

Alright whatever. This is me high. Drugs are dangerous, but not in the way they tell you.



Anonymous said...

how can no one comment this? Seriously good stuff man. Comming from a catholic background (that was discussed on a prior telephone coversation) I got one of many few good morals... "God's greatest gift to man was the ability to think for himself"

miss you,


E. Lally said...

veeeery good writing, you have a good point of view

Huey said...

Steve, thanks for posting on Loved you post on Humanity and it's relationship to religion. Now that I know about your blog, I will visit it from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Saw you on Ex Christian. I recently went through a divorce (my choice, Christian spouse) and lost all my christian friends, church, etc, because of it, and eventually did enough reading and thinking and now cant believe I ever fell for Christianity.

The thing is, these people have acted basically 'christian' and want to still be my friend, but i cant go back from a 'deep' relationship (supossedly centered on the DEEPEST thing there is - life/death/God), and pick up in a relationship where it has to be shallow to a sense because under the surface they 'disagree' with me - and its hard to be friends with someone who thinks you are at the core - wrong. but maybe that is me just wanting everyone to understand me. I cant figure it out.

Anyway, im trying to explain to my Christian friends & family what is going on with my de-conversion, and your essay on humanity and religion was the closest i have found to how i feel.

i find it so hard to articulate how strongly i feel that religion is so BAD for society, especially when there are wonderful people like your cousin out there that seem to be getting this "christian" thing right - and its like, how can that be bad, you know? NO one is going to buy that.

I get so cloudy in my head trying to figure this stuff out, and then i say fuck it, i just feel it. Then its like, i remember how that is wrong somehow - and why do i think that, I wonder? Is it because I was brought up that you cant rely on your 'feelings' - if we all did that everything would be chaotic - and we must rely on "truth". Or is it that feelings are the truth? But wouldnt that mean that everything is relative, and we all have our own truth? is that the answer. Wow, im babbling now....

anyway, i say all that to say i like reading people that can actually find a way to say what they feel and i think you do a good job. keep writing.

One question though - I am interested in how you explained to your cousin how you see his 'version' of Christianity (the essential "pure" kind - non-judgemental, good, kind, selfless) is still going to hurt humanity as a whole - esp since he believes much of you do about government, the earth, etc. That is a hard one for me to even figure out how to say it. Because the Christians will tell you that (how your cousin is) is how it SHOULD be, and anything less is just 'humans' getting in the way. So how to explain that?

The voice of Humanity said...

Hey purefreedom....

Thanks for reading and liking! It is hard to deal with people that are still stuck in "faith". My aunt only sees me as a gay and everything I do has that "agenda" attached to it. My aunt is like my mom and she raised me for half my life. It's hard to have someone you care so much about not see you but only see a sinner "living in sin". I just try to find opportunities to explain my side whenever I get the chance. It's hard with christians like you said-They are programmed not to listen to you because you are "bad" or of the world and they must remain apart from all that.

With my cousin and explaining to him that he is still wrong that's still tricky. The good thing about him is we can have these great conversations. We didn't even know we could. To be honest though, when I say he is the best christian I know I am only saying that giving your complete life up to God is the best way a christian can fullfill their beliefs or affirm themselves or something. I think you know what I am tryting to say. I hate to call it tricking them and that is what they always think. You have to always seems open and live by example.

I am not sure of your specific situation, but if you do have someone or can find someone that is a christian and will talk (there are some believe it or not) then you can use them as a reference when speaking to other christians. Not all of them are open and most will think you are sent from the devil, but you have to hold yourself as a respectable human being and lead with example.

A lot of times I have found that christians really like the trade off too. If you can agree to go to a seminar or Dobson event or something if they'll watch "Zeitgeist" or some sort of movie that enforces your beliefs...I recommend Zeitgeist, you can download it for free from google video! It's a great film but there is a big artsy intro for like 10minutes. You may want someone to read an article as well. We all know how much christians like to read.

The best thing you can ever do is to be completely honest and let the poepl you know and love that you have strong beliefs like theirs. Tell them it's hard for you to express your beliefs because you feel like they only see someone who has lost their faith. Just tell them and tell evangelical about it lol...tell them you feel the fire of importance to spread the word before it's too late.

If you would like to email or chat sometime just let me know. I'd be happy to support anyone dealing with any crisis of faith.

Thanks again

The voice of Humanity said...

P.S. Purefreedom....

I think the best thing you can do is try to be their friend. You have to be open, don't shut them out. Use any chance you have to express your beliefs and make sure you can hold your own.

If they don't want to hear it make sure you respect that, but don't let it get to you. If you feel like you just need someone who understands you then come online or find a group or something where you can meet people of like mind.

Hope this helps!