Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Loving God...

Smashing Babies on Rocks...Ok so basically Babylon is not a "godly" place so God says he will bless anyone who goes into Babylon and bashes their babies on rocks. [Psalms 137:8-9]

Burn your Daughter!....Jephtah told the Lord that if he won his battle against the Ammonites he would offer up as a burnt offering whoever came out of his house to greet him first. Well, it was his daughter...but don't worry he let her cry with her friends in the hills for two months before he did it. [Judges 11:29-40]

God sends bears to eat kids...One of God's prophets was walking along the road when some kids pointed out that he was bald. God's decision in this matter was easy and quick...he sent bears to eat the children. [2Kings 2:23-24]

Damned Babylonians AGAIN...Alright we get it God, you really really hate the Babylonians. What did their babies do to you though, maybe these little kids and babies should have come on Jesus or come unto him or whatever. The fact is, God's mad-on for these people leads to more dead babies and raping. Oh yeah and actually you all have to watch your babies die and then we rape you in the name of the Lord!!! [Isaiah 13:15-16]

Uh oh Samaria...Besides thought to be the setting for the myth of the garden of eden Suamria was also a target of God's baby killing campaign..oh yeah and this time the preggers didn't get away either, they were gutted. [Hosea 13:16]

Eat you kids while you wait to be killed....God says that he will make people eat their young from stress during a siege God planned. [Jer 19:9]

Virgins are friggin SWEET...Kill all the men and boys and woman who have had evil dick inside them but keep the virgins for yourself. [Numbers 31:17-18]

Slaughter Rape and Plunder OH MY!!!...When God gives you your enemies you better kill the men, but this time the babies and boys and women can live, but refer to them as plunder and fuck em all. [Deuteronomy 20:13-14]

Save your clippins when snippins the tips...David, after killing 200 philistines, cut off and collected their foreskins. I wonder if he got Goliath's too and wore it as a bald cap or something? [1 sam 18:27]

OHHHHHH OK so is this what a "Godly man" Is??? See ya later, I'll be off trying to be more like our "Loving" God.

Have you ever tried to talk to a christian and express an educated view point against their religion? I have many times and every single time without fail when I make a point they cannot refute they stop. They won't talk anymore, if I could get them to hear me out in the first place. It's hard to have someone give you the respect you deserve when their God says otherwise. ANYWAYS, Here are the Establishme...uhhh I mean God given and Jesus approved reasons why you shouldn't listen to me and actually kill me but thats the next section, please don't kill me...

Do not associate with non-christian, don't even wave to them...John 1:10

Shun those who disagree...Romans 16:17

Paul, whom many consider to be the father of the church and rightfully so, decided that people were getting smarter and told everyone not to study philosophy. I mean all you have to do is study this shit and it starts to stink like my sister's belly button. Colossians 2:8

Basically, you know all this TERROR and FEAR we must have because 'they' say Muslims have to kill all Christians and Americans and their religion is evil blah blah blah. Let's compare notes on this from The Bible and The Quaraan, well not actually the Quarann because Im a little afraid to buy one since Im sure im already on a few lists but here is the bible's answer to non believers......

Kill anyone who doesn't believe in your God....Exo 22:20, Deuteronomy 13:12-16, 17:2-7, 17:12-13, 18:20, and for some new testament fun Mark 6:11 and Jude 5 is sort of a reminder incase you may have forgotten, I mean its not like he beat a dead horse on this.

So I just wanted to show that Christians are just like every other Jewish based religion...BAD BAD BAD. Yes TRUE JEWS are bad and thats just a Fact. I know its not popular and all that but its true. Nearly the entire Jewish Bible (which has inspired such sequels as the Quaraan and the Christian Bible) is a nation building book of how to commit genocide and replace the land with your own people. If people cannot wake up and see the political bias of Jew based religions then we are doomed. Yes I know I sound crazy and a little like Hitler maybe even, but I assure you that I often think I am crazy so I can't be so there.


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Coming out

Ok so yeah I've been AWOL for a couple days but its only because I really wanted to write something funny for the next post and every time I sit to do it...ugh it's always serious stuff up in that damn giant misshapen head of mine!!! So here is my coming out story and then some "Love Won Out" fun stuff lol.

First off I will explain what Love Won Out or LWO is: LWO is a traveling all day conference put together by Dr. James Dobson and his company Focus on the Family. They have 2 different set ups for the conference, one is geared towards "helping" gay people turn straight and the other is more for parents who need to deal with having such a horrible thing as "becoming" gay happen to their child. The conference, as i said, is a day long and is separated into different sections based on different areas of ummm well gayness haha. They have different speakers and some classes. The main thought of these guys isn't of hate but it is truly based on love, misguided as they are they truly do care. They believe gay people are made gay by and early event...such as not having a strong father figure and or not playing in the dirt and with bugs and manly things(I am not even kidding about this, they said boys need to find and associate with manhood early on like playing with bugs and getting dirty). so with that in mind read on and let the fun begin!!!!

So I came mom laughed because i was nervous and she was like "DUH" LMAO. My Aunt cried and thought I was joking and then told me she knew people who could "help" me...ugh. All in all it went really well. My Grandpa said he tried it out once but it wasn't his thing OMFG LOL....I hope I don't get into trouble for saying that. My Grandma said well I knew something was going to happen when he was 2 and had his appendix out then a testicle removed!!! So according to her you are gay if you have two organs removed at the age of 2!!! I was really luck because everyone was really cool. Oh yeah but my brother said he didn't want a fag near him and my sister was a little devastated at first but they are both my biggest supporters now.

The hardest thing about coming out is First: Being OK with it yourself, you have to accept yourself and be ready to say fuck you all if you cannot accept me when I have!!! Second: How to do it. Do you tell everyone that you've been lying for 19 years or do you lie again and say you just realized it. tell the TRUTH. It’s coming out not crafting yet another BS life. Third and Final: Be ready for anything, anything is possible. Just make sure you are ready.

Ok, so, I actually was staying with my aunt at the time and even though she hated the "sin" she still loved me, which i guess was good enough for free rent. I am not the one to let things go when someone is wrong. I need to MAKE people understand the RIGHT thing in any situation. So, with this in mind, and knowing that Aunt B would not be easily swayed from her stern beliefs in silly old stories written by men who were most likely high and or drunk, I decided to take the high road...umm and did I mention free rent and great free food?

Eventually Aunt B asked me to go to this Love Won Out thing as a favor to her. I said sure, but she had to agree to accompany me to a pro-gay type event someday. She agreed as long as it wasn't a bar or where people would be naked lol!!! Well I wasn't about to take her to a place to turn her off to the whole shebang so of course I too agreed. I also agreed to go because I think it's great to know your "enemy" I guess isn't the best word but it's good to be informed about all things, especially when they concern something about you.

LOVE WON OUT....It was a joke. The main guy was completely gay. Yeah he was married with like FOUR kids now but he was gay. At the question and answer time I chose to ask "Since we are suppose to achieve our manhood and all that shouldn’t you be less gay then, you are pretty gay acting and it seems God should have helped to heal that as an appearance of sin?" Well he actually got really angry when he read that. Oh yeah we had to write the questions and send them up in a basket of sorts. So his response was very angry and went something like "Do you want me to respond to this how i want to or should I try to keep my Job?" Then there was a big laugh from the Aunt knew instantly it was mine and gave out a little laugh. At this point she had been pretty annoyed with a lot this particular guy had to say...i think specifically when he said he even use to drive the "gayest" car. She thought that wasn't a very accurate or helpful remark. And Bravo to her for that. So anyways He basically said that whoever wrote this is ignorant and obviously his girlymanhoodness or whatever was from the women who raised him. Ok fine to an extent but come on, that’s exactly what i use to say to the kids at school who said I was kind of girly. So I know an excuse when I hear one.

I also went out to the gay protest happening outside during break and so did some LWO people. I gotta say, I wish there could have been some better gay people there. They really didn't have their facts about the conference and weren't very well spoken and kinda seemed stupid. Well most I should say, a coupe later in the day were decent and some P-flag type moms came as well. I tried to fill them in but i think they though i was a spy lol. The LWO people actually were really cool and fed the gays lunch and invited them inside...sadly none agreed. I made a joke about check the food for homo-cide and it was received with mixed reaction sadly LOL.

STILL GAY!!!!! Over all I gotta say, the conference did seem to be done out of love and well presented for the most part. They are misguided by old stories from a time when control devices were still being put in place in the form of religion. I am very glad I went and Aunt B still owes me the return favor!!!

OH OH OH OH...They were creating CDs from that actual conference was all friggin day for real...well you could buy a set or just a segment...can you guess which segment I bought??????......Of course the Q&A, and I had everyone I knew listen to that Fag up there.

Luv Ya, even if you are stupid...but I probably wont talk to you if you are too stupid because I just don't have the time for stupid these days.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Born Me...

On January 12th in 1981 I was born-Wet, Sticky, 8lbs and Gay.

I knew I was gay from a very young age, the first boy I can remember having a crush on was my lanlord's son when I was five.
Knowing my attraction to other boys never bothered me, I never felt guilty or ashamed...that is until I heard the word fag. I learned that gay people are perverts and degenerates and maybe even mentally ill. I sat in bed many nights asking God(usually out loud) to take away my feelings for other boys or, at the very least, give me the guilt that I hear so many have about these feelings. Never happened. At the age of 13 I was sent to live with my aunt. It's something I always wanted and I truly feel that saved my life. My aunt is a very "religious" (she hates that term) person and thus began my baptist teen years at a christian school. I went through all the motions and jumped through the hoops never feeling anything but frustration. I still was asking God to give me guilt or shame, or at the very very least some feeling that these other christians were having. Well, either it's true what the Phelps (Those very crazy Westboro Baptists) say and I was pretty much passed over to receive God's grace and Gay becuase he hated me or maybe just a lost sole??? These feelings of guilt and shame I have heard so much about seemed so abstract to me. I told God that he said "ask and you shall receive" and "seek and ye shall find" but it seemed God's phone was disconnected for about 10 years there.

Eventually I was expelled from the christian school about half way through my junior year. I chose to move back with my mother and went to a tiny farm country school for my Senior year. I was devastated, I had lost all my friends and I was alone. This would be my 8th school, but only the 3rd highschool and the last was just to finish out my junior year. This was the first time in my life when I was unable to make any friends. I was sick of being in the closet and it was harder to hide. I could hear, for the first time, people talking, whispering and taunting me nearly every day. On the plus side I finally focused on school and did very well!!! This was also the year that Columbine happend and I actually sympathized with the kids who commited this horrible act. I know I know I shouldn't say that, but I was feeling these things-these horrible thoughts about hurting these people. How dare they treat me this way, they don't even know can people be so cruel. I thought how easy it would be to just shoot one or all of these assholes. Then Columbine-BANG! I felt sorry for these people now. I had to learn about people and cruelty and where it comes from. I didn't want to hurt these people, I just wanted to graduate and let them learn from life. Well really I wanted to teach them about compassion and acceptance but I just didn't have the time.

I graduated, went to college, came back, came out and grew up....

I was originally going to recount my experience of coming out and later attending the "Love Won out" conference by Focus on the Family as a favor to my aunt. That is a great story, but I am going to try and hold back for now. I think im wordy and want people to get through at least one damn entry.

Plus I think at this point i'm still talking to myself soooooo until tomorrow...


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ummmm...I just realized something.

How the hell are people goin to find my damn blog? I may be talking to myself here. Whatever, here is my dog Rusty.

War, Terror, and Spin Oh My!

It's a weird and scary world we live in when the people who choose to question our leaders are compared to terrorists and called traitors. I really can't understand how great and brave people who put their celebrity on the line to speak out about the injustices of our current foreign policy are reduced to soundbites of crazy. It amazes me that people are so quick to judge others with different views and condemn them based merely on assumption without trying to understand where their opposition comes from.

When someone like Rosie O'donnell speaks out (with facts) on the war, all the people who see differently forget all the good she has done and all the millions she has given to charity that are a testament to her true character. Then, suddenly, she is only some "Fat Stupid Ugly Crazy Lesbian". Well Rosie doesn't broadcast her charity work like Oprah, Rosie doesn't toot her own horn like Donald Trump. No, She puts herself on the line and risks her reputation in order to give us a taste of what is being withheld, the truth. It's not only Rosie, although she is has become the poster child for the crazy "conspiracy theorists" label so I will use her as the model for my point. Plus I happen to love her for many reasons so there.

What have we become, what have we been reduced to when we are unable to voice our concerns. The last I checked this was still a Democracy, and with an approval rating of 37% (and falling) it seems that the 'people' (look up the definition of democracy) are not in agreement with the current administration and the state of our great nation. I read the posts on Rosie's site and she wisely chooses to select the negative posts just as much as the positive. Those who choose to ignore the facts in favor of "slogans" and "spin" will call her fat, ugly, "dike" (which is the only typo she will correct to dyke) and stupid is another regular comment. I've never heard a pro war person make a good point...and saying that we haven't been attacked since 9/11 means nothing to me, how often were we attacked before? We have been sold a bill of goods called "Terror" and those who have marketed this BS have profited greatly from our complancency. We have accepted defeat and, in doing so, the power of one is dying.

I believe the president once said something about how history will view his presidency in a positive light. I wonder. I wonder how many times people tried to stand up to injustices only to be criminalized in their day and then have history view them as heroes or visionaries. I could name names but I think you all have had enough of the spoon feeding. The truth really is out there and its pretty clear. Why must we hate, why must we harbor animosity for those who are passionate?

To end...Someone who has nothing to gain and everything to lose by speaking out doesn't seem to me like someone who hates but someone who loves and cares enough to let it ride. Think of people like Rosie or Charlie Sheen or anyone who chooses to speak: Think what do they have to gain, is it hate for the country they choose to be apart of, or is it such a passionate love for justice that compels them to risk it all.

Who Stands to Gain?


Intro to me

Well I just Deleted my first blog entry by accident...typical! So here we go again, maybe this time will be better anyways. What you can expect from my blog are my views on varied topics from the pointless entertainment to News worthy items and also personal issues or projects. I am a writer and artist and im currently trying to overcome a sort of depression in order to finish and self publish my first graphic novel. More on that when I feel comfortable on the copyrights!!! Not much to say here, I can get a bit wordy so I'll just use this as my BIG INTRO. I also have to dedicate my blog and this first entry to Rosie....ummm I think you know what Rosie. She is the reason I decided to finally get by big mouth on here to speak. I will try to make it fun here with added seriousness on certain issues. I just realized how boring this is and you are all gone by now looking up 'Free Porn' or something. So, I will be varied and usually kinda all over, hopefully some will find joy and maybe ill be lucky enough to get some haters...oooo how I long to be loved enough to be hated. Ok Im done for today, hopefully someone reads this and prompts me to do more. WOO HOOOO!!! OK Gotta go..Later.

P.S. Don't be stupid, and if you must be opinionated then make sure you know what you're talking about. And by all means let me have it if you feel the need.
