Friday, December 5, 2008

What's Your Poison?

I really want to know what 'their' plans are for Barack.

I think I might be able to see it now, I'm just not 100% on this yet. I think the whole economy thing was the last big item on the agenda for the Bush puppet to take the fall for. Now they need someone with a clean slate and a bunch of 'hope' so they can finishing buying our country. Even Bush supporters wouldn't have allowed him to do what is going on now. Now it looks like we're being saved, the oldest trick in the 'THEIR' play book.

Look at the string of events that led us here. Go all the way back to the great depression and before. Look at the founding of the Federal Reserve. Hell, go back to the charter for the "American" public school system. Start somewhere around there and work your way to now. I'm not sure they could've done it any faster or been more efficient. We're talking about everything from social to biological engineering. They got something for everything and everyone. What's your poison?

They made us stupid and superficial. If you think me blogging about a bowl movement was in bad taste or just vulgar then search some other blogs and take a look at the proverbial shit they talk about. My mushy poop should be more palatable than some queen outing celebrities and dissing peoples physical attributes. We've have been duped into being skittish about poop while swallowing down a healthy helping of bullshit.

I have so much to say today. My manic high from the last few days has come crashing down. Things keep happening around me that show me more and more about our shared reality.

Like before, I'm all over the place here. That's the point. Think like me. This like this. Everything is connected. Just like a giant ecosystem our society, the worlds society, it's all interconnected. That's pretty much the definition of society anyway right? It's a collective of the people who contribute to it. What do you contribute? This isn't entertainment, people. These questions aren't rhetorical.

When I posted "American Down" the other day I emailed my friends and asked then for input. Well, only friends that I know agree with me. I had an agenda. I tested you and you failed. I have a huge issue with the misguided in this world. I focus on religion, sex and politics for a reason. This blog is a test of the emergency deprogramming system and it keeps failing. How can I help the ignorant masses of humanity when my supporters are just as ignorant, self involved and short sighted as the people who believe a "loving" God causes so much destruction because he knows best? Be offended, friends. You should be. I know I sure am.

If you read what I have to say and don't tell everyone you know that you agree then you are a waste of my time. Stop reading. Don't tell me you don't agree with me talking about my own suicide, but besides that you like my writing. You may not want me to die but, you can't not agree with my reasoning. Stop missing the point. I know not everyone has the ability to comprehend. I know I'm not the first person to say this stuff, but I'm doing what I think should be done. I'm doing this for you and you "like my writing"?!?! Fuck you! I'd rather people hate my writing if it makes them think. You should hate what I have to say because it's true and it sucks. I feel sorry for the people who don't get it but I feel animosity for the people who do.

Stop obeying your programming. You think theists like christians, jews and muslims are the only ones who have controlled thought processes. What's your poison? The Hills? Equal rights? Looking good? Making money? USA not America? Your Loved ones? Your Job? Being socially accepted is the tie that binds. Our need to be connected and accepted is the syringe in which we inject our poison. Now, what is your poison? Yeah I'm pissed at the people who "like" what I have to say. So fuck you and your easy way out, you cowards. What's your poison?

From the first breath of polluted air we breathe to the moment you realize your time on this earth is finite you are being poisoned. Stop breathing in the bullshit you don't have to. It's bad enough our air is poison, but our society has become lethal to our minds.

Stop waiting. What are you waiting for anyway? I can't save you in the future. I,like you, have only now.



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