Thursday, December 4, 2008

Everybody poops but rodents do it best.

I just had an amazing realization while trying to push several differently shaped turds through my dried out colon this morning. As I struggled to navigate these various turds past my enlarged prostate, I noticed what appeared to be several mice droppings laying at my feet. At first I just thought mice sure have it lucky pooping the exact same little pellets every time and not even noticing the movemement. Then came the second type of poop wich was mushy like cake soup. I guess it was stuck behind the cork-llike logs that took so musch work getting out. I pondered on evolution and humans being the most advanced species but we still can't shit as effortlessly than mice.

Sometimes I'll sit on the can for an hour and read or re-read my favorite graphic novel, have a smoke, talk to my self and listen to a good mixtape. What a fucking production that is, not to mention everyone surely thinks I masterbate a lot more than I actually do because of it.

Sure other animals poop pellets but they aren't eating like we do. Mice eat all the nasty poisons we do and they digest it into perfectly identical little rice poopies. What the hell is up with that?


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